Our Health Investigations offer an unparalleled view into your health. From MRIs and ECGs to in-depth blood analyses and genomic sequencing, we leave no stone unturned, ensuring you receive complete actionable programmes for optimal health.
Compare our assessments:
HOOKE aims to prevent the most common conditions in older age.
Here's what to expect:
Your Investigation commences with a pre-assessment call to identify concerns and goals, and explain the testing process as well as take your medical history.
You will have an assessment with each member of our MDT: medical, fitness, nutritional and cognitive, and undergo a series of tests and scans in order to build a comprehensive picture of your current state of health and risk profile.
Once all assessment and test results have been collated, our MDT undertake a full review and collate a detailed report synthesising all the data, identifying priority areas for action, and recommending lifestyle changes. This report is presented to you by selected members of the MDT.
This is where our four optional tiers of membership come in—Healthspan Core, Healthspan, Healthspan+ and Performance. Each membership offers the opportunity to work with, and be guided by, our experts to harness the body's natural capacity for regeneration and repair.
From your assessment, we build your Bioportrait – an all-encompassing view of your health dynamics. Guided by the HOOKE Bioscore, we track your biological and functional age; this forms the basis for evolving health, medical and performance strategies for lifelong wellbeing.